About Us
What we do
The Wellbeing Protocol is a not-for-profit organisation building a digital infrastructure that empowers and supports community self determination. Currently our focus is deploying the first stage of our infrastructure, a participatory grantmaking tool, that allows a community to effectively allocate external grant funding.
Our structure
We are currently a small distributed team mostly based in Wellington, New Zealand. We are a registered charity and in the process of setting up a DAO in order to transparently control our own funding. Our roadmap is geared towards achieving complete decentralisation and open sourcing all of our software offerings.
Our Journey
Our journey started over 3 years ago. Here are some of our key milestones:
April 2020 - Idea conceived
June 2020 - Accepted into the Creative HQ Gov Tech Accelerator
March 2021 - Cannon Coin trial launched in partnership with Ngāti Toa and Wesley Community Action
October 2021 - White paper released
August 2022 - We formed a cross-government team to explore how the New Zealand government could practically engage with emerging Web 3 technologies.
Jan 2023 - Raised $165k from Sport NZ, Callaghan Innovation and the Westpac NZ Government Innovation Fund to build the infrastructure to trial a new grant funding system with Tāne Ora
May 2023 - Tane Ora Trial launched!
Our contributors
To get this far we've had a huge amount of help along the way. You can view a list of all our contributors here.
If you would like to support us on our joinery find how you can help here.
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